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Little Owls Daycare and Preschool offers high quality traditional preschool along with many hands-on activities. Early intervention is an important step in any child’s development. Our teaching team has many years of experience in providing high quality play and curriculum-based learning opportunities to maximize each child’s potential. Children’s Therapy Services can provide highly qualified therapist and therapist assistance to screen your child with in week or two upon admission to LODP for things such a speech and language development, occupational therapy (behaviors, fine motor skills etc) and physical therapy such as gross motor development skills. We want to insure each child achieves developmental milestones with strong outcomes including social skills, communication and motor skills and support children of all developmental needs.

Early intervention provides children and their families the services needed during the very early years of development.

Little Owls Daycare and Preschools wants to promote a lifelong love of learning and to properly support the individual learning styles of each child. When implementing many types of learning, we have the ability to increase your child’s curiosity and interest in learning throughout their life.  Your child will be prepared for kindergarten by being able to write their name, the letters of the alphabet and numbers. Being able to identify simple geometrical shape, colors and sight words. Literacy, math/science, creative and hands-on learning opportunities are provided for each child daily to assist in supporting development on all levels.